Soulscape Sketch Reading for 14/01/16 – 10/02/16
New year, new layout. Thanks to Frank for sorting it out for me. I’m still trying to work out the best gap between readings to allow me to keep doing them at a consistent pace. So I will try and do them monthly and see how that goes.
Soulscape Sketch Reading for 14/01/16 – 10/02/16
The overall theme of this reading:
As stated before, earth (like each individual creature) is small part of a much larger sentient organism. A beacon sent out by earth, as watched by the larger organism is orbiting much further than was expected. Humanity has become aware of a lense that is in place over its vision, obscuring the real size of things. Things that were previously taken for granted as true are now being questioned.
Present Positive / Seen:
In this image I saw the picture of a planet being held safely in the hands of a mother figure. However, this larger female figure that surrounds the earth is currently invisible to it. From the top of the earth has been sent an object that now has its own orbit. How far this object has been projected has been obscured by a screen in place, but its return path will be easy to see.
Present Negative / Unseen:
In this image I saw the picture of a male figure, head poking out of appearingly barren planet. On the outside the planet looks uninhabited, but its populace are living inside of it. This head has poked out to see the object that has projected out from Earth. In the grand scheme of things, this planet has its back to earth and is blocked from earth’s view by a screen. However, this object of Earth has been able to be projected higher than this screen.
Past / Lessons Learnt:
In this image I saw the picture of a happy go lucky character, innocent in feeling, looking out in the world. However it is not aware its vision is being obscured by a lense in front of its eye (it has just accepted that it is part of its face – which it isn’t) that is changing the size of the objects it is looking at.
Future / Lessons Coming:
In this image I saw the picture of a figure of a face in a baseball cap. (In previous readings this has represented the common person). After watching something float past its eye (now over the top of its baseball cap) it has become aware of the lense that is front of its eye. This is a period of considering whether something that has been been noticed for the first time is of benefit or not and what the purpose of it is. A more serious energy, no longer the eager to please childlike innocence of earlier times. Things that were previously taken for granted are now being questioned.