Soulscape Sketch Reading for 23/11/15 – 06/12/15
Soulscape Sketch Reading for 23/11/15 – 06/12/15.
The overall theme of this reading:
Humanity appears to be going in the right direction. Innocent childlike donkey with a generous and balanced coloured heart. smile emoticon Yes, I know donkeys don’t have floppy ears but unfortunately spirit knows I associate floppy ears with donkeys – blame the influence Eeyore.
This reading also contained images of a Blue Whale, Sperm Whale, Penguin, Swan and a donkey. Donkey with floppy ears like Eeyore…/spirit-animal-as…
Present Positive / Seen:
Two religions (one Christian and the other unknown to me) look on and observe/analyse the “common” person (in a blue baseball cap) looking at a whale playing with a colourful beach ball (bottom right). There is an invisible swan like creature emerging from the whale’s tail (air and water). However, this scene is taking place in a much larger whale structure where the people of religion make up its nose, the vision is from the common person and the sea creature is part of the expression and movement. We are small parts of a greater being/whole.
Present Negative/Unseen:
The larger creature is looking back at its tail. It is not aware of the individual parts (with their own consciousness and thoughts) that form its mass. This larger creature is starting to begin to notice parts of its body, and is enjoying exploring using them (like a playful child).
Past/Lessons Learnt:
Moving and raising the head (to become a separate entity) has taken a great effort. The creature is now standing up for itself. To be noticed it had to do something strange (against its nature) that took effort, such as breaching the water.
Inside this larger whale breaching the water is an image of a innocent child holding a toy penguin. This symbol of innocence has been kept safe within a cage but is now being put on display as the whale breaches against the early morning sun.
Near Future / Lessons Coming:
Picture of a gentle donkey with a large spiritual loving heart proudly putting it on display. The emotions are in better balance. The eye is also loving with a touch of logic and spiritual knowledge. No one could help but love this animal that doesn’t shy away from showing its vulnerabilities.
This creature still has lots of feathers and stuff from its days of being used as a fairground attraction, but it is now friendlier and more approachable since it is no longer being told and encouraged to use these objects to create a spectacle of itself for what was perceived by others as what its audience was expecting and wanted to see.