Archive post from Tumblr site August 25th 2014 – Example Reading 5

Example Reading 5

Defences and soul evolution

The spirit who helped with this drawing was a very elegant lady with a calm personality who loved to dance the waltz and do ballroom dancing in big gowns. During the process her energy was very rhythmically swaying. Although she declined to offer up her name she did want to say ‘Keep chasing the rainbow’.

Present Positive / Seen:

A calm beach with the tide out, there is plenty of sand to relax on and should the sea return suddenly there are defences in place to protect the sunbathers from getting wet. This is a time of peace and relaxation in your life. However, be careful that the ‘defense’ in place is just what is needed to protect you and doesn’t become too high.

Present Negative / Unseen:

Feeling like you have to act as a superhero to the determent of your own health (I see an image of a cartoon cat in a cape balancing on a tightrope ready to pounce). You are protecting a precious object so much that you’re in danger of never putting it in the ground to germinate and grow (image of an animal holding an acorn – bottom right of picture).

Past / Lessons Learnt:

You have learnt to let pain go. The figure at the bottom of the drawing is pushing a button that has launched a protective layer/shell into the air that is no longer needed. This old shell/protective layer had many jagged edges to keep some people at bay, but was too effective in its role and keep everyone away.
You have let go of all ties to an old way of being that no longer serves you.

Near Future / Lessons Coming:

Evolution of your soul. Using the experiences gained through your life you are slowly forming into who you want to be, and less defences and protective shells are being needed. Like a coiled spring, you have reached higher with each soul evolution. Like a climber you have used the old outdated versions of yourself as pitons as you have ascended. You have a loving guiding light, that although no longer needed for your safety, is still around should you want it. Don’t be afraid to continue climbing and evolving.