Soulscape Sketch Reading for UK General Election 08/06/17.
Soulscape Sketch Reading for UK General Election 08/06/17.
Date drawn: 23/04/17.
NB: I did not see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 until 28/04/17. I have also not read the comics. Yes the figure that assisted with the drawing looks like a female version of one of the male henchmen in GOTG2 standing with Sylvester Stallone’s character (Stakar Ogord). Use your heart, not your head. Go see GOTG2. 🙂
The overall theme of this reading: I believe the different parties (red, yellow, purple, blue, green) are so bound up in the political system (the waveform moving over them, binding them together) they have actually become one entity. A figure, of a grounded mind and loving intentions for going forward, will come and take advantage of this situation. The different groups will have no option but to follow where this leader says to go. This leader has no particular party tie and thinks for themselves.
The general populace has been trained into thinking of their own safety first, rather than thinking and acting in the interests of everyone’s safety as a whole, and this has lead to isolation and loneliness. Thoughts of acting as and for the community may start to rise again with the actions of the overall group leader.
The spirit that came through to assist with this reading presented themselves as being made out of crystals and diamonds sparkling in the sunlight. It had a feminine loving energy and was smiling.
Present Positive / Seen:
In this image I saw the picture of a two masculine faces looking downwards to the right of the picture. One face is solid and grounded (metallic colours) and the other face appears to be wearing glasses and is from a different dimension (no colour). Although the colourless face may be the spirit inner self of the face above it (based in the throat/heart chakra area). This face is trying to pass up loving thoughts to the metallic head above it, but this hasn’t reached it yet. Behind these faces (forming a body like a sausage) are lots of blocks bound up in what looks like a slinky. This waveform / frequency is binding all the various parts together, they would fall apart without it. It is also moving through the head that has no colour, but stops at the metallic head’s ear.
A common theme (represented by the waveform) is keeping all parts bound together in one block and is covering the face that is not protected by a solid metallic shield. It would be interesting to see what would happen if this waveform was removed and all the parts were allowed to go their separate ways and the head be able to think for itself.
Present Negative / Unseen:
In this image I saw the picture of a refugees in a camp site. The tent that was covering them has collapsed and is laying broken on the person in a purple hood and yellow sleeping bag. The people in sleeping bags (there is another one in a red sleeping bag) rest within a low fence of mesh (almost like chicken wire), but their valuable stuff (metallic and pink bits) are on the outside.
Feeling safe but hemmed in. Comforts that were once in place have broken and there is a feeling of being exposed to the elements (although there is some protection – the sleeping bags). Valuables and treasured items have been taken away, but have been kept just within viewing distance, but are unreachable while the group is within the confines of the mesh. A feeling of a sad and lonely time in divided camps.
Past / Lessons Learnt:
In this image I saw the picture of three figures coated in heavy protective armour, almost like they are walking round a toxic waste ground. The figure in a yellow hazard suit with green visor and metallic shoes, carries with them a child like figure in a blue suit. Both are within a further protective barrier of mesh. Walking along side them is a figure in a red coat with a purple hood wearing a pink shoe. This figure is not encased in the mesh.
People felt safe wandering around because they had the protective barriers they felt they needed in place. However, this prevented them from communicating fully and sealed themselves off from one another, leading to isolation. There was no sense of working as a community as everyone was protecting themselves and their own interests, looking out for number one.
Future / Lessons Coming:
In this image I saw the picture of a figure using the bound up blocks as a stepping stone and then a pedestal. Their thinking is not impacted by the thought patterns tying the blocks together (they are tied to no side – lack of colour in body), and they point the way forward with a loving hand. They also appear to be wearing a hat like Hermes. The block has no option to move where the leader on top is pointing as they are the only one who has the capacity to see above the mess.