Soulscape Sketch Reading 01/08/17
Soulscape Sketch Reading for 01/08/17
Video of reading:
Soulscape Sketch Reading for 01/08/17
— Karen Reding (@SpiritWandererX) August 1, 2017
The overall theme of this reading: Most people are adapting to seeing life through a silver filter rather than a bronze one. However, care must be taken that at this stage that the silver filter/energy is not cherished more than the gold energy, just because most are now aware of the silver energy and struggle to understand/see the gold.
The animals are benefiting from this shift in perception/seeing through the silver filter as they are now being listened to by more people as they are being viewed and taken seriously as sentient beings.
This process may be further speeded up by Diana Cooper’s book the The Archangel Guide to the Animal World.
Slips backwards may happen if people’s gaze moves from seeing through the silver and gold filters to joining in with someone who is still using a bronze filter/mirror. There will still be those around who remain seeing through a bronze energy filter by choice, but try not to join in with seeing the world through their bronze filter just because their view point appears to be easier as it’s more familiar at the moment.
The spirit that came through to assist with this reading was some of the laughing children that live in the divine heart.
Like the ending of the first book in a series. The weekly Soulscape Sketch process, for me, has come as far as I can take it. I will be taking a break from it to allow space to find out what I’m to do next, or learn how this process is to evolve in the new era that has begun.
I feel sad at the ending of this process, but I look forward to the new challenge that is to come.
Present Positive / Seen:
In this image I saw the picture of a figure that is triumphantly lifting a cover from an object so the inner silver can be seen (although the outside of the object was of a higher energy – gold coloured). Following this figure is a spiritual worm like creature (spirit blue) with logical (yellow) eyes that has a purple flower growing from its back. The spiritual worm creature appears to have dropped the bronze mirror it was looking into. Another figure in the bottom right corner is busy staring into a silver mirror unaided. Observing this overall scene is a golden headed figure, who is monitoring progress.
A shift from seeing/using bronze energy to silver. Those that can’t access/see this silver energy for themselves are being assisted. However, most are able to now see the silver energy and to access it for themselves, although they may be still thinking in the old bronze energy way. Objects and portals that contain bronze energy are being left and being discarded. This progress is being observed and noted by beings who use the gold energy. Care must be taken that at this stage that the silver energy is not cherished more than the gold energy, just because most are now aware of the silver energy and struggle to understand/see the gold.
Present Negative / Unseen:
In this image I saw the picture of a spiritual headed figure (purple flower) who appears to be celebrating running through the spiritual (blue) arch by jubilantly throwing their arms in the air. Around them it looks like an explosion has just gone off, as there are bits of silver, gold and bronze scattered everywhere.
The raceline may now have been crossed, but after the celebration of reaching the end comes the cleaning up and making sense of what is really happening around you. At the end of the race or rainbow, things may not be as neat and ordered as people expected.
Past / Lessons Learnt:
In this image I saw the picture of a cow like figure in a bonnet. This figure was standing on its hind legs with its front legs in a beckoning (for a hug) position. The figure of a cow could see spiritually (purple eye) and the vision of its right eye was further strengthened by spirit and logic.
This cow tried (and hopefully) succeeded to pass on love and gold energy knowledge through its method of trying to communicate in a loving and humanoid way (standing on its hind legs). Communication and knowledge from animals was finally beginning to be acknowledged and gained, as they were seen (by more of the general populace) as sentient beings.
This process may be further speeded up by Diana Cooper’s book The Archangel Guide to the Animal World
Future / Lessons Coming:
In this image I saw the picture of a green eyed figure standing between two figures that are still looking into bronze mirrors. One of these figures is from the spiritual realm, the other is thinking in a silver energy way, but still looking into a bronze energy mirror. The figure in the middle with green eyes did have a spiritual (blue) filter on their eyes, but this is coming off as they have turned away from the gold mirror they were looking into to stare into the bronze mirror that the figure in front of them is holding.
Progress is being made with the shift to seeing through a silver and gold filter, but slips backwards may happen if people’s gaze moves from seeing through these filters to someone else’s bronze one. There will still be those around who are still seeing through a bronze energy filter, but try not to join in with seeing the world through their bronze filter just because their view point appears to be easier during this period of adjustment.